with Longitudinal electro magnetic Wave.LEM Wave.

How to make medically effective e.m. longitudinal Waves = LEM waves.(scalarwaves)

1. use short waves to penetrate the tissue and reach the desired organ .

2. filtering the digitally generated wave through a resonance filter into a pure analogue sine wave.

3. phase shifting the signal between current and voltage by 90 degrees through a serial oscillating circuit , which can increase the power to be transmitted. (this is how Nicola Tesla did it) and the longitudinal part of the e.m. wave is greatly increased.the LEM wave is created.(longitudinal electromagnetic wave).

4. this also transforms the still incoherent LEM wave into a coherent wave and thus becomes very energetic, with the possibility of transmitting the current over a distance without cables.

5. modulating this carrier frequency with frequencies (see frequential acupuncture,Rife,...) and frequency sequences is now possible:

    The triplets or codons of amino acids are formed with the 4 frequencies of the nucleic bases cytosine,guanine,uracil,adenine. And a whole chain of AS can then induce hormones (oxytocin,insulin…). Influence on ribosomes via microtubules. The microtubules are electrically polar and generate an oscillating electric field !

6. then applying the LEM wave through another resonant circuit to the body is important without using  cables (no physical contact).

Start= A U   G
Oxytocin : 9 triplet,codon

Cys =  U G   U (C)                           Cytosin 987,77 Hz
Tyr =   U A   U (C)                           Guanin 659,26 Hz
Ile  =   A U   A (C,A,U)
Gln =  C A    G (A)                           Uracil 783,99 Hz
Asn =  A A   U (C)                            Adenin 523,25 Hz
Cys =  U G   U (C)
Pro =  C C    C (G,A,U)
Leu =  C U   G (A,C,U)
Gly =  G G   G (A,C,U)

Stop =U A   G (A)