Energetic Medicine and oscillation-Medicine with Tesla waves ( scalar waves )

  Acupuncture experience, knowledge about frequency acupuncture, electro-magnetic waves according to Tesla, antenna properties and their effects studied on single-celled organisms (yeast cells) and analysed photometrically in cultures, as well as supplemented with biophoton measurements, make it possible to apply the spectrum of effects of e.m. oscillations in the field of medicine.

For it will no longer be chemistry alone that will cure us of diseases.

In the future, it will be external physical energies, such as electromagnetic waves and especially the e.m. longitudinal waves (Tesla), that will communicate with our cells, especially the stem cells, and tell them how to behave in order to promote self-healing processes.

The types of waves used are e.m. waves. longitudinal waves. What are their special features?

In contrast to transverse waves, such as light, radio waves (in smartphones) or microwaves, which are transversely directed, longitudinal waves (Tesla waves), which have a vortex-like form of movement similar to that of a tornado, rotate with a 'forward impulse' in such a way that energy content and modulated information arrive without loss, i.e. 100%. With transverse waves, on the other hand, the energy decreases continuously, so that their effect is limited.    Longitudinal waves and their micro-vibrations can also be used to explain cell communication.

How can the properties of longitudinal waves be best utilised ?

This longitudinal wave property of energy conservation can be used in many ways and to advantage when it comes to influencing damaged organ functions, which can be specifically addressed by means of the oscillations (bioresonance) for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes via the cell microtubules. The information consists, for example, of characteristic frequencies and frequency patterns that are modulated onto the longitudinal waves (recently triplet frequencies of always 3 nucleic bases for the formation of a certain amino acid or a sequence of amino acids, e.g. for the stimulation of specific antibodies).

Conversely, the combination of these specificities in the diagnosis step provides information on whether a certain organ is diseased, e.g. whether Lyme disease germs or a viral load are present, or "where" these strains are located. In this way, the causes of chronic complaints can be uncovered with this interference focus diagnosis.

So it seems that this method offers further healing possibilities
 This spectrum offers even different possibilities than with remedies with a predominantly pharmacological approach.
Above all, the combination of simultaneously measured pulse reactions (RAC pulse) and frequency ear acupuncture as well as the use of longitudinal waves (Tesla) provides an innovative method, without needles, for the diagnosis and effective therapy and causal treatment of diseases in a relatively short time.(As https://www.deepl.com/pro-api?cta=header-pro-apisuccesses with this method, acupuncture combined with electromagnetic Tesla waves, one could mention the liberation of patients from migraines that have existed for many years or from skin diseases such as psoriasis, various allergies, intolerances, irritable bowel syndrome, degenerative diseases. )

        Interesting is the research with this method also on plant cells where an ATP and power increase of 60% can be achieved.

 This opens up a wide range of research and application areas not only for physicians, but also for microbiologists, botanists and organic farmers.

        It is also worth mentioning in this context that the Croatian-American inventor and electrical engineer Nikola Tesla already studied the effect of e.m. longitudinal waves in the early years of the 20th century and discovered their possible applications in medicine.