Prof.Carlo Ventura Bologna![](https://66c8e44733.cbaul-cdnwnd.com/61513c3b9592e698f387eefa21dab8f5/200000170-cd622cd624/Carlo Ventura pxx2.jpg)
in inglese :www.unibo.it/sitoweb/carlo.ventura/cv-en
in italiano :www.unibo.it/sitoweb/carlo.ventura/cv
Prof.Fabio Burigana,Theo Ausserer,Prof.Pier Mario Biava
change the paradigm in medicine , cambiare il paradigma in medicina:
Prof.Pier Mario Biava
Professor for many years at the School of Specialisation in Occupational Medicine in Trieste, he currently works at the Multimedica Institute for Research and Treatment of Scientific Character in Milan. He has been studying for many years the relationship between cancer and cell differentiation: he has isolated stem cell differentiation factors capable of inhibiting or slowing down the growth of various types of human tumours, preventing neurodegeneration and ageing.
He is the author of more than 100 scientific publications and several books, such as: "The Hidden Aggression - Health Limits of Risk Exposure", "Complexity and Biology", "Health Limits of Risk Exposure". Complexity and Biology" and "Cancer and the Search for Lost Sense". and "The Rediscovered Sense", edited with Ervin Laszlo and "From sign to symbol - The manifesto of the new paradigm in medicine".
He is on the Scientific Committees of several international journals in the field of oncology and epidemiology.